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Saturday, July 17, 2010


It seems like I've been doing a great job of procrastinating. It's getting harder and harder to focus on school work esp. when you only have 2 more weeks of summer school! I can almost taste the freedom, and I will make sure I party hard, hahahhaha.

I learned the word 'procrastinating' when I was a freshmen in college during a College Orientation class. I thought the class would be a piece of cake. O boy I was wrong. I believet the amount of work from that 1 credit hour class exceeded the amount of work I put in other 3 credit hour classes. Anyways, I passed the class with a B. I suppose that wasn't bad since I didn't put my heart in it.

Anyways, hubby and I are doing great. We are healthy, loved and happy =) I, especially want to say thanks to hubby b/c he surprised me with a new gadget that is very useful to do all my school work. I have to name this gadget. It's a boy, so I need a boy name.

till then,

Sunday, June 20, 2010

and it's June already

Oh my,
didn't I make a promise to write everyday this year and I have failed!

a lot has happened since then.

A friend gave birth to a baby girl.
Another friend is expecting.
We're not.

Currently taking summer classes, and the load of work is crazy.... except in the weekend. Why? because I volunteer to procrastinate.
I find it hard to study by yourself. I like to study at school, where I see other people study. I am pretty much live in the help lab.

6 more weeks to go until summer session is done. I am crossing my fingers that I'll pass both classes.


Monday, February 15, 2010

It comes and it goes

I am talking about our tax refund. We received the refund (yay!), but we're seeing them going away (sad). College loan, computer loan (why yes, we bought our MAC computer a year ago and it's still not 100% ours yet). How sad.

Today I found out that my car needs coolant refill. I was driving home from school and I saw the red light blinking and I thought.... why? Hubby just refilled it in December?!

Based on our research, any minor - major damage will cost us from $300 - $1000. I am really hoping that it'll take some minor repair. Although I have really big doubts in the back of my mind. Let's say that hubby filled the reservoir in December 1st, and it's only been 2 1/2 months since then and it's low? How much does it drip per day???????

My fingers are crossed, hoping for the best news to come tomorrow morning. The past couple months have been very crazy, let's hope this one doesn't tear us apart.

stay warm,

Thursday, January 21, 2010

freezing rain

It took me what it felt like forever to walk from the front door to my car. The sidewalk was sooo slippery that I looked like an 83 year old grandma walking without my cane.

I am not a big fan of snow, but I have to say I'd rather have 20 inches of snow than 1 inch of ice on my driveway.

Spring semester just started, and I am excited to be done with this semester. I just want to woooork. I don't want to worry about homework, lab report, tests, etc. Ha, doesn't that sound horrible?

Anyways, math should be fun. Well, it's fun now b/c it's still easy. I am glad I already know someone in the class. This girl was in my nutrition class in the Fall. The teacher seems dull, poor her, I think I over heard someone said 'dude, she sucks'. Anyways, I am just hoping that she's happy with her current students, I don't need an angry teacher bringing us down b/c 1 or 2 idiots students.

anyways, this semester should be better than last semester. Do I dare to get a 4.0 this Spring? ooooh I sure hope sooooo!!!

alright, stay warm, don't fall.


Saturday, January 16, 2010


Hubby turns 24!!

I am thankful to have him in my life. I am thankful for the 5 hr drive we had getting to know each other. I am thankful that we'll be together forever!

I only wish you happiness, success, good health, and all the good things in the world.

I love you.


Friday, January 15, 2010


What cheers you up during your 4 - 5 days of misery every month?

Mine are...

- Advil (works like a charm for me!)
- Multiple back massages from hubby
- Choir practice (yes, weird isn't it. I wasn't all excited at the beginning, but by the end of practice I was humming/ singing and satisfied =) )

What works for you?

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

day what? 13

When was the last post? 4 days ago? yes, a lot has happened since the 9th.

Let's see....

OK, to be honest, I have no clue what I was doing on the 9th aka on Saturday night. Pretty lame, huh?

Sunday was a good day. Hubby and I went to church then we did laundry at his parents' house.
We rented a movie: Night at the Museum 2 : Battle of the Smithsonian. I thought it was OK. It was funny here and there, but I am glad we didn't spend the $ to go to the theater to watch it. There were couple scenes where the graphics I thought was rough. Well, this movie is definitely better than ''The Ugly Truth". What? Why? Well..... I really don't see the point of watching a movie about lust. A friend suggested a friend who suggested to me to watch the movie. I bet I was grinning during the entire movie just b/c the story and all.

the 11th .......

I was cooking a storm in the kitchen.

Things I'm excited about when I have my own house:

a BIGGER kitchen counter.

the 12th

hubby helped a lot, i mean A LOT keeping up with the cleaning up. I would've cried half way baking the cake & making the marshmallow fondant if he didn't rescue me.

We had birthday supper in the evening at my in-law's. I made 3 individual birthday cakes (heck yeah, call me ambitious) for grandma, grandpa & hubby. These cakes are my 1st attempt at making fondant. Please forgive the horrendous colors. IMO they look pretty good (hey, I spent hours getting them done, give me some credit =P)

I hope these don't hurt your eyes.

Who knew that kneading fondant could be so tiring? Esp. when you want to add colors in. Even my smallest batch took forever! The slightly green colored cake was for hubby. He wanted to have a logo from his WOW game.

This cute little white cake was for grandma. Next time I roll white fondant I better use different rolling pin. The one i have is made of some short of wood and boy that didn't help my fondant stay clean.

The last one was for grandpa. Why was it pink? Because I was an idiot. By the time I decorated this cake my brain wasn't working anymore. My clothes were covered in powdered sugar as well as my kitchen.

Everyone had fun, I had a LONG good night sleep. It was worth it.

Happy birthday to my beloved ones =)

I am thinking one of these days I'll take orders from people to bake them cakes.

till then,